Resistance training and hematological responses

a case report with a patient with severe aplastic anemia


  • Daniel Câmara de Almeida Euro American University Center
  • Wellington Lacerda Oliveira Rios Euro American University Center
  • Carlos Janssen Gomes da Cruz Euro American University Center
  • Eduardo Montecelli São Lucas Hospital
  • Emerson Sebastião Northern Illinois University
  • Renato André Sousa da Silva University of São Paulo



Aplastic anemia, Resistance training, Hematological markers


Aplastic anemia is a hematopoietic dysfunction that compromises pluripotent cells; the phenomenon that gives rise to the multiplication and maturation of the precursor or primordial cells of blood cells. It is commonly treated with immunosuppressive therapy and/or halogenic bone marrow transplantation. However, despite the comorbidities of aplastic anemia, studies associating physiological changes related to regular physical exercise are still scarce, possibly due to the low prevalence of the disease. Thus, we describe here the impact of a resistance training program on different hematological markers in a patient with severe aplastic anemia. A 39-year-old white male diagnosed with aplastic anemia 22 years ago underwent 12 weeks of resistance training. Different hematological markers were analyzed before and after 7 and 12 weeks of intervention. After the intervention an increase in reticulocytes and several other blood components were observed, the values of which remained within normal limits. In addition, there was a reduction in transaminases and liver enzymes that mark canalicular lesions, proving an improved liver condition. We conclude that after 12 weeks of strength training the patient presented positive changes in different hematological markers, such as erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, neutrophils, and leukocytes, suggesting a positive effect of resistance training on the patient's clinical picture associated with the natural course of disease treatment.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Câmara de Almeida, Euro American University Center

Linked to the Physical Education Department, Euro American University Center (UNIEURO), Brasília, Brazil.

Wellington Lacerda Oliveira Rios, Euro American University Center

Linked to the Physical Education Department, Euro American University Center (UNIEURO), Brasília, Brazil.

Carlos Janssen Gomes da Cruz, Euro American University Center

Linked to the Physical Education Department, Euro American University Center (UNIEURO), Brasília, Brazil.

Eduardo Montecelli, São Lucas Hospital

Linked to the São Lucas Cell Therapy Group, São Lucas Hospital (SLH), Brasília, Brazil.

Emerson Sebastião, Northern Illinois University

Linked to the Health and Exercise Research Group, Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, Northern Illinois University (NIU), Illinois, USA.

Renato André Sousa da Silva, University of São Paulo

Linked to the Exercise Psychophysiology Research Group, School of Arts, Science and Humanities, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.


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How to Cite

Câmara de Almeida, D., Lacerda Oliveira Rios, W., Janssen Gomes da Cruz, C., Montecelli, E., Sebastião, E., & Sousa da Silva, R. A. (2023). Resistance training and hematological responses: a case report with a patient with severe aplastic anemia. Revista Ciências Da Saúde Ceuma, 1(1), 52–60.


